Pray, Wish, Hope

13th of December, 2011 Tuesday

I have long didn't go to temple and pray. Its been a while since I developed a habit of praying before going to sleep at night. Not that i will kneel down and pray to God through the windows like all the Children Movie does. I will just close my eyes and pray from my heart silently and honestly. That's what i do. But i find it funny when in movies the bad guys still prays even if they are evil. Wuahahahaha (evil laugh)..... *LoL*

Most people pray for health, wealth, success and a lot of things. Different people with different prayers. What i pray for is the smoothness of everyday life. Not that i prayed for a easy flowing life, it just ain't happening. I just pray that we could solve everything that comes in our way positively. Sometimes life just ain't easy to go through. Most of the times we are in the bad. We just have to fight it to find a better life for tomorrow, for the future. Nothing is perfectly setup for you in this world. Even those rich people have their bad times. Problems arise, we find the cause and destroy it from the root. You don't pray for miracles to happen that some day some where you will become filthy rich and don't have to work for it.

When we are young, we always watch cartoons or movie that shows magical wishes came true. Wishing at a Magical Fountain, Wishing Well, Enchanted Ponds and a lot more. We used to throw coins into ponds and wished for something. When i saw so many coins inside the pond, i was like hmmmm who will grant you those wishes. Its all just a mysterious way of thinking in our mind, more and more people will follow and do the same thing. Once somebody got its wishes, the place becomes famous and will be a main attraction for people. Although we don't believe, we will still follow. We do, we get extra. We don't do, we get nothing. Simple thinking.
Wishing is different from praying. You wish for something to happen any moment of life. The most common term to use is "Wish me Luck". Yup, we wish to give luck to someone that needed it. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, what does it means. I still can't configure out the true meaning. But i still wishes people every now and then. Its like granting some of your own power towards people of our interest. I always wish that one will had a happy day, smile to the world and live life to the fullest.
Hoping for something to happen, hoping to get good results, hoping everything to be fine. Hope, is another action that people like to do. For me, hope is like something we we wanted it to happen and waiting the reaction of it. Hope you get well soon, we are waiting for something good to happen. Parents also hope the best for us and people just advice us don't crush other peoples' hope on you. Some people might wanted a normal life and didn't hope for much to happen. Some just everyday hoping for good things to happen.

Although i have said all the above, i will still keep on praying, wishing and hoping the best for everyone.

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