
25th of February, 2012 Saturday

我想我應該 應該不會愛你 為了要努力 努力的不愛你
所以我讓自己那麼喜歡你 這樣你就不忍心和我分離
我想我討厭 討厭驕傲的你 也討厭美好 美好的那個你
於是我要自己假裝討厭你 那麼你就捨不得離我而去

我必須說我真的不會喜歡你 我不喜歡你佔據我所有思緒
連你的竊笑也像是鼓勵 從早安後的早餐到晚餐後的晚安
別笑了 別笑了 我不會喜歡你

我放空了 我解脫了 你還是在我的眼裡
我喜歡了 我討厭了 影響不了我的呼吸
原來我 已經無法自拔 我秘密的 愛上你

你不必懂 我真的不會喜歡你
從黎明後的太陽 到深夜裡的月光
別想了 別想了 我不會喜歡你
別想了 別想了 我不會喜歡你

我听完这首歌, 真的很想不去想你爱你. 

Koh Li Pe, Thailand

24th Of February, 2012 Friday

2012 Chinese New Year, Family and I decided to go for a island trip to Koh Li Pe. Koh Li Pe is located at Thailand, inside the Tarutao Marine Park district. Koh refers to Island in Thai Language. Either one can go by Boat straight from Pulau Langkawi in Malaysia or from Pak Bara Jetty near to Satun, Thailand. The transport from Pulau Langkawi is not available whole year round. Only certain month available. From Pak Bara Jetty it is a one and a half hour journey in Speed Boat(to my surprise five engine speed boat). I chose to go from Pak Bara Jetty, depart from Malaysia and going through Wang Kelian Border Control. One hour to reach the jetty from Wang Kelian.
Wang Kelian Border Control
Five Engine High Speed Boat
We get the ferry ticket on the spot, but one can also book earlier. Buying in bulk return ticket will cost 900baht per person. The ferry here is available on 11am or 2pm Thai Time. As we wait for the boat, the waiting area is like a desert field, very hot indeed. After having fried rice as lunch, its time to depart after getting on the speed boat. Before departing, so happy to get a msg from someone. 100people forcing themselves on the boat. Keep wonder will the boat move fast enough, but to my surprise the boat was extremely fast, with five engines functioning. Quite a boring ride to reach the island as hardly can stand and enjoy the ocean view.
The First View upon reaching Paradise
Next we have booked Bundhaya Resort and checked in. I was a little worried as i didn't print out the booking details. Luckily they already had a name list of all the guest, i was like phewww(relief). A small room with aircon, queen size bed and a bathroom, cost 1700baht per night. Don't ever take the ones without air-con unless you are going to enjoy the hot weather. As i travel down the beach, there's nothing much to do on this island. The activity available is walking on the beach, massage,pub drinking, seafood eating, kayaking, fishing and island hoping. There is also a one kilometer Walking Street consist of souvenir shop, restaurants, mini market, and etc.

Outside of Resort on the Beach
Seafood Fish, Prawns, Squids
At Koh Li Pe, seafood is the same price as eating fried rice. Very cheap and tasty with the local self made sauce. To be warned, some may be very spicy. Even I also sweating while eating. By night time, its the best just to have a beer in your hand and sitting on the chairs available on the beach. At night will got a lot people walking around and enjoying the night sky with the cold sandy beach.
Superb Sunset by the Beach
You can have a one day island hoping trip. Choose from 4 to 9 islands available. I only chose to go 4 islands, the more bigger and famous ones. Snorkeling is a nice activity here. Also there is an island full of those black rocks, fascinating island to visit. Still this island is very special as you still need to pay the entry fees of 100bath per person. You will be sitting small boats for these island hoping activity. Each boats limits 8 person aboard. Traditional Boats to be said. The scene from one of the island is so tempting, you could see the layers of sea from the beach. Our trip finish at 5pm in the evening.
Layers of colour of Ocean
Snorkeling Activity With Traditional Boat
Its best to go with your lovely partner or a group of frens. Sometime it may become too boring when afternoon arrive. The heat is too hot to bear unless you gonna get a suntanned skin. For us Malaysia it was too hot to even walking on the beach. Still the scenery is breathtaking, the ocean is crystal clear and the resorts provided on the island is great.

Year End Bonus

11th of January, 2012 Wednesday

Yeah finally today we get our Year End Bonuses from company. After looking at the figures, I am happy with the Bonuses given out to me. At least its better than last year. I was so scared it would be worst than last year. Fuhhhh, finally able to arrange my budget for Chinese New Year. Hurrayyy !!! Banzai Bonus. Still awaiting salary increment for this year. Need to wait until 31st January, such a long long period. But nvm, still enjoy the Festive Season is the most important thing.

But as usual, there will be a lot of comparing and conflict about the bonus. One of my colleague was so furious he even gone out of his way to show dissatisfaction through quite a childish method. But i don't blame him as he should be reward more than what he get. I can see the way he work so hard for the company. But maybe because of some different mindset from the upper management, he felt disappointing about the Bonus. But at least he finally get to pick up himself after some explanation from our Boss. Glad than he is now back to normal and kicking at top notch again.

Another issue came after knowing that someone get a high reward bonuses even after threaten to quit the job at the year end. People will think of why someone like him could get higher Bonus. Still Upper Management would not know that other people will dislike this kind of treatment. The company is circulating that the Boss wanted to force him to stay by giving him a lot of Bonus and increment. Typical thinking and still its something that is reasonable to be thinking of.

The biggest problem came this morning. Oh my god, one of my Worst Colleague get the same Bonus as everyone. It has been an issue of discussion this whole morning. Lucky his from other department and not the same with me. If not i think i will kill myself after seeing his working attitude and everything. For me it was really unfair for all of us. I am not directly involve with him, but for those who need to work with him, i would be 100% sure there are now having a grudge against the Upper Management. He didn't do work for approximately 3 month and was laying around lazying pushing all the works towards other people. Sure the Boss will be having a torrid time of handling complaints from other colleagues. It was a wrong way of showing gratitude towards those who work hard and too good for that Worst Colleague.

All is said, but i think everyone should be happy of what they get. Although people tend to ignore others, but still there will be some grudge for why things are going the way not according to their thoughts. The world is an unfair place please remember. Just work and believe in our own self that we are right and standing tall without any regrets of shame. Be happy, yippy !!!

The Year of 2011

7th Of January, 2012 Saturday

Start the year of 2011 with my love one and ended 2011 with blast. Truly an amazing year to be. Much has happened and I will remember every moment of 2011.

8th January 2011
Drunk Night - Pulau Langkawi, Kedah
First of all, i never imagine all my colleague was so crazy. We went on Saturday and stay the night at Langkapuri Inn at Pantai Cenang. To my surprise, we bough 1 box of 5 litres red wine and 4 carton of beer of different types. Everyone was drinking so much, the face was red hot sexy. I even had one embarassing photo taken by them, epic picture. Most of us are drunk until the next morning. The next day we went to the Cable Car and had lunch before going back to Alor Setar.
 18th January 2011
Chinese New Year Dinner - Sentosa Regency Hotel, Alor Setar
Company dinner and we were order to follow dress code "White" on that day. It look a bit out of mind like we was going to a funeral from a far. We had a "Best" singer at the start of event. Everyone laugh their socks off. The food was ok and we had some games going on. Watermelon eating and water drinking game. Our table won the water drinking game and everyone get Rm30 each. The main event was the balloon sitting game. It turned out to be a chaotic scene inside the dining hall.
4th February 2011
5A5 Secondary School Chinese New Year Gathering - Pizza Hut, Alor Setar
To my surprise, this year a lot of people came and join the gathering. Those whom I didn't expect came. We had a noisy gathering at Pizza Hut making a ruckus inside the restaurant. Can be said information gathering for most of us. Some of us only met once a year and to be honest I can't remember what they are studying, working or staying at where. We went to Mango Cafe after the gathering and had some drinks and some gamblings.... Shhhhh!!!
15th April 2011
Mini Bowling Tournament - City Plaza Bowl, Alor Setar
Our first colleagues mini Bowling Tournament organize by me. Since then every month we have been gathering for this event. Everybody keep improving every month. Tiong Ing Yew was our defending champion for 5 times in a row. We compete in a team of 4 people. After the event, we would go to Gemilang Burger to had a feast. Chit CHat through the night and have fun laughing. But most of the colleagues had resigned and the event stopped since December 2011. Too sad....
30th April 2011
Mount Kinabalu - Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Yeah, finally. We have reach the peak of South East Asia Most Highest Mountain. The Mount Kinabalu, Me, Claire, ZQ, Gui and Yao all have conquered it without any problems. The view was so good and weather was nice to us it didn't rain. It makes our journey easy and smooth. It was early 2:30am in the morning that we started to hike up from the middle platform to the Top of the mount. The air sure is thin when we first started, but get used to it slowly. We are Proud of ourselves.
2nd May 2011
Sipadan Water Village - Pulau Mabul, Sabah
The first thing I reach the resort, I was stunned by the beauty of the surroundings. One can see all the corals and the clear unpolluted ocean just below the resort. We spent 2D1N and enjoy ourselves with great snorkeling trip and the ambiance of nature. The resorts provides nice accommodation with a clear view of boundary-less ocean.
29th May 2011
Pulau SongSong - Yan, Kedah
It was a outing out on the sea with colleagues. From Sungai Dulang Kecil, Yan we sit boat to Pulau SongSong. The weather was nice and windy. We rented a fishing boat for the day. Most of my colleagues was first timer on these type of Malay Fishing Boat. Everyone was excited. We went snorkeling, fishing, swimming and sleeping Zzz... Caught some cute Clown Fish but didn't took it home.
3rd July 2011
Family Bowling - City Plaza Bowl, Alor Setar
It was a shocking event. Dad suddenly initiate to play Bowling on a rare occasion. Its free yeah, Dad pay for it and I was the top scorer. Of course this result is inevitable as I have been playing at our Mini Bowling Tournament for months. But dad didn't lose out much as he still got the skills and technique. Mum has the lowest score. Overall it was a fun event.
7th July 2011
Nehemiah Wall Appreciation Dinner - Penang Gurney Hotel, Pulau Pinang
Sub-Con Appreciation Dinner and we are invited. Colleague and I went down to Penang from Alor Setar at 5pm sharp. The food was quite nice and we didn't have much luck as we didn't get any lucky draw prizes. So wish to get the Cherating Club Med 3D2N stay at Kuantan. Arghhh... i still remember year 2010 i get a Rm300 Jusco voucher from the same event.
29th July 2011
Keat Hwa 100 Anniversary - SMJK Keat Hwa, Alor Setar
It was my motherschool 100years anniversary. I never expect i would be there. Just so sudden after dinner at Gemilang Burger, me and my colleagues went to have a walk at the school. There is an event for 4days at the school. And even got a huge tower made by tin cans. At the entrance of the school, there was like a Night Market happening and inside the school compound, there was all these stalls from different clubs marketing and selling things for raising charity funds.
31st August 2011
Family Friends Gathering - Pantai Merdeka, Sungai Petani
It was a mix of 30 people gathering for the trip of Pantai Merdeka. Yup, we celebrate National Day at the beach. Father's fren, Mom's fren, My frens, Bro's Fren. It was a weird combination but a fun one indeed. Haha. We had BBQ at night and even had futsal game on the grass field with all the little "Painful Pineapple" from the tree stinging our legs. Too bad the beach is not as clean as it used to be and the water was quite dirty. The next day we had steamboat for our breakfast. Hehe.
4th September 2011
Extreme Outing - Gua Tempurung, Ipoh
Before the day of hiking, went to Ipoh town and had Dinner. Huhu finally have a taste of Ipoh Bean Sprout Chicken. It was a hiking trip inside Gua Tempurung.Each person needed to pay around RM25 for the entrance fee for Full course. And here we go climbing and sliding down all over again inside the cave. It was just the right exercise for me. Having all the gear and equipment, it was easy task for me. Oooops.... but still it has some frightening stages. Sliding down about 3meter height, going through a black small hole and crawling through slow spaces. Plus the stream water was cold.
17th September 2011 
Mountain Hiking - Broga Hill, Selangor
It was a early morning departure from KL. 4am in the morning, my eye was still in sleep mode. After picking up everyone, we head to Broga Hill. Torchlight everything ready then we head up the peak. It didn't took us long enough to reach the first platform where most people just stop at here. But we decided to went even further up to the real peak of Broga Hill. There was a signboard there, and me and ZQ was a bit disappointed. We didn't feel tired at all, as we have climbed the Mount Kinabalu recently. But it was a fun event once in a while to get us together. 
25th September 2011
Taiping Photography - Taiping Lake, Taiping
We stayed at Nicole's house and went to take photo at Taiping Lake. Me and Khairul was like the main character for the session. Keep taking pictures and laugh non-stop for the whole day. We get to eat a tall tall ice kacang. We also go to the Mangrove Park but too bad the resort there was renovating. I was so sad after going so far from my hometown. Next trip, wanna eat all the tasty food from Taiping and Ipoh. Ngek Ngek. 
11th November 2011
Bicycle - Muwira Shop, Alor Setar
After research, i just spent alot of money buying this bicycle. Raleigh brand Elite Pro series. Comes with front and back lights, a pouch, and chain protector. I bought a pants for cycling and helmet. After buying, cycle back home and it was a ride to hell. My leg becomes exhausted very fast. Still haven't get used to cycling.
13th November 2011
Cycling - Gurun Jerai, Kedah
My first bike ride, i choose to cycle up Gurun Jerai. Without a doubt i failed to reach the top. Didn't grasp the technique and dad mum was following. So i just ride the truck and reach the top wahahaha. The view was magnificent and a lot of renovation was on-going. I was so determined to cycle that every two week i will go cycle until finish the 11km trail.  
20th November 2011
Penang Bridge International Marathon - QueensBay, Pulau Pinang
I didn't get the chance to run this year. Leg hurts preventing me from participating. So frustrated. Still colleagues and friends are going to run. Some of them 42km full marathon and some joined the 21km half marathon. The race starts at 2am in the morning. I was awake all night to take pictures for them. Sleeping inside the car is worst than running on the bridge. I prefer to sweat it out together with them. This year more sponsors for the event and more game events after the race. So proud of Khairul and Szu Pei who run their hearts towards the finishing line.
17th December 2011
Claire's Convocation - TARC, Kuala Lumpur
It was a great day. Me and ZQ went for Claire's convocation. Congratulation. Sunny day and great weather during and after the Convocation. She looks brilliantly gorgeous on that day. Claire was smiling radiantly. Taking photo everywhere and we also had fun throwing Claire up in the air. Too bad we didn't had enough time to get a present for her. Me and ZQ later went to buy present for her. Late present, ooops. 
14th December 2011
Appreciation Dinner - Holiday Villa Hotel, Alor Setar
Company Annual Dinner. Company was awfully "Kedekut".... other section get to go Bukit Merah or Bukit Tinggi. But we only have dinner for our appreciation. Fed up with the company. There will be a best dressed competition for the night. The theme was Glamorous Night, but to my surprise all the final contestant who win the price was not wearing anything glamorous. And why u even go and put it as a Glamorous Night Theme? Next was the food, totally out of Hell. Not nice at all. And the band and dancer was half skilled. Too bad i didn't get any lucky draw prizes arghh !!! I want that Samsung Galaxy SII.

A Dim Christmas Season

27th Of December, 2011 Tuesday

HoHoHo Merry Christmas, every childs dream for meeting Santa Claus. Yeap, meeting Santa only for the Presents as i am a Bad Boy for such long time. We always watch movies cartoons dramas with Santa riding his sled with reindeers dragging it. Some say those reindeer have red nose. They are flying on the skies and stopping on top of houses. Santa entering by the house chimney. Socks hanging on the chimney waiting to be filled with presents. Its all so fantasy like, still do they exist its a myth. Some hear Santa's laughing, the bells ringing on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve......24th
Strangely this year, i didn't plan anything for Christmas nor buying or receiving any presents.Just pass by the day as normal as possible. Try to invite friends for dinner but to no avail. So contact some Penang friends for some planning, but again that stupid Xue let me down. Asked me to go there and find him celebrate together but when i decided to go, he become scared and told me no need to come. Haha, as always i already knew he would do something like this. Yi Sien was celebrating Christmas eve with his GF Min Min at Autocity so i don't wan to bother them. At last, i decided to watch Movie "Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows" at the Cinema and went back home doing nothing. Slept at 11:30pm. Sure is a Holy Night before Christmas.

Christmas Day......25th
Wake up in the morning, accompany Mum go to market. And mum was suggesting to wear Santa Hat and i was like i rather go to sleep than going out with the Hat. Mum laugh and canceled the idea. Had breakfast and after that i went to have some workout exercise. Could see a lot of wishes going around Facebook, Twitter and any kind of social interface. Another afternoon without anything to do. Go out with little bro Fame at Cyber Cafe at evening to kill sometime and have dinner with Family at night. Originally should be going to Danok, Thailand to massage and eat BBQ Pengbak at there, but ZQ was forced to stay with his Grandma at Penang for Christmas and cant come back to Alor Setar.

Public Holiday......26th
Woke up at 5am, suddenly feel like going to cycle. Just pack all my gears and stuck my Bicycle into Sentra and woosh here i go to Gurun Jerai Cycling. Today not much people. Slowly cycle my way up the hill and by the time i reach, it was only 10a.m. Go back home and rest until 1pm. Had lunch alone at my favorite chicken rice stall. Sleep from 2pm until 7pm ooops. Wait ZQ back from PG for 5 hours. Went to have Bungalow BBQ buffet. 3 hours we spent eating. Non-stop...... Watch Football Man-U against Wigan until 1a.m. in the morning. End my Christmas Season without anything special.

Pray, Wish, Hope

13th of December, 2011 Tuesday

I have long didn't go to temple and pray. Its been a while since I developed a habit of praying before going to sleep at night. Not that i will kneel down and pray to God through the windows like all the Children Movie does. I will just close my eyes and pray from my heart silently and honestly. That's what i do. But i find it funny when in movies the bad guys still prays even if they are evil. Wuahahahaha (evil laugh)..... *LoL*

Most people pray for health, wealth, success and a lot of things. Different people with different prayers. What i pray for is the smoothness of everyday life. Not that i prayed for a easy flowing life, it just ain't happening. I just pray that we could solve everything that comes in our way positively. Sometimes life just ain't easy to go through. Most of the times we are in the bad. We just have to fight it to find a better life for tomorrow, for the future. Nothing is perfectly setup for you in this world. Even those rich people have their bad times. Problems arise, we find the cause and destroy it from the root. You don't pray for miracles to happen that some day some where you will become filthy rich and don't have to work for it.

When we are young, we always watch cartoons or movie that shows magical wishes came true. Wishing at a Magical Fountain, Wishing Well, Enchanted Ponds and a lot more. We used to throw coins into ponds and wished for something. When i saw so many coins inside the pond, i was like hmmmm who will grant you those wishes. Its all just a mysterious way of thinking in our mind, more and more people will follow and do the same thing. Once somebody got its wishes, the place becomes famous and will be a main attraction for people. Although we don't believe, we will still follow. We do, we get extra. We don't do, we get nothing. Simple thinking.
Wishing is different from praying. You wish for something to happen any moment of life. The most common term to use is "Wish me Luck". Yup, we wish to give luck to someone that needed it. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, what does it means. I still can't configure out the true meaning. But i still wishes people every now and then. Its like granting some of your own power towards people of our interest. I always wish that one will had a happy day, smile to the world and live life to the fullest.
Hoping for something to happen, hoping to get good results, hoping everything to be fine. Hope, is another action that people like to do. For me, hope is like something we we wanted it to happen and waiting the reaction of it. Hope you get well soon, we are waiting for something good to happen. Parents also hope the best for us and people just advice us don't crush other peoples' hope on you. Some people might wanted a normal life and didn't hope for much to happen. Some just everyday hoping for good things to happen.

Although i have said all the above, i will still keep on praying, wishing and hoping the best for everyone.


6th of December, 2011 Tuesday

刚刚,无意间我看了第二次“那些年,我们一起追 的女孩”这部电影。不知道为什么,很想把它关了但是就越看越想看。现在已是早上二时二十分,我竟然在Youtube看了整部电影。回想起来还真是第一次。 特别喜欢这部电影,虽然是看过了还是目不转眼的看完。两个月前,我还真的不认识这个电影。连小说都没看过听过,还真不是个浪漫的人。九把刀是谁,胡夏又是 谁。。。我还真烂的。人们都讲到天花乱坠等着它上映我却听着“那些年“的歌但不知道是主题曲。我的天啊!!!

在报纸 上看见我国列这部戏为三级片,还要阻持上映。。。我笑了,好可悲啊!!!首次看这部戏是在Sunway Pyramid TGV。没朋友和我一起一个人无所事事的去看了,或许我已习惯一个人去电影院。就这么幸运只剩下一个空位给我。就这样我比任何朋友都早看了“那些年,我们 一起追的女孩”。没看过小说不懂故事的我,觉得超级好看的。开心,伤心,浪漫,认真,搞笑几乎什么片段都有,一句话“赞”。第一次当戏终时,好多人站起来 拍手。就这样我感受到他们对这部戏的热情和感动。有些人说故事和小说不一样,有些片段被剪了,无所谓吧。毕竟我能深入体会这部戏的感情。不喜欢的话,可以 买小说来读啊。

在国中的我,短短的头发。每天去上课都不知为了什么。读书考试这样就五年了,在课室里玩了五年。总共不及格了八次 (简单来说是全部考试)的“Additional Mathematics”,数学还真难掌握,一大堆的程式。在国中玩电脑游戏多了,自然变成了游戏天王。。。无敌!


Gurun Jerai Cycling

29th of November, 2011 Tuesday

I have long waited to buy a bicycle. Since young i had those bicycle but only normal ones. This time around, i had the choice of choosing either Road Bike or Mountain Bike. After figuring long and knowing that ZQ bought a road bike, i made up my mind to buy Mountain Bike. I still love those stylish and gear equipped bicycle. Its been a long time since i rode on a bicycle. Went to visit a few shop before doing my own research. The first thing i notice was the brand. Merida, Corratec, XDS, Giant, Raleigh and also Mongoose available in Alor Setar.

Merida was out of my budget. Giant is a little above my budget. So i choose to research on Raleigh and XDS as this two brand is more common and standard for amateur like me. Decided to take Raleigh bike after much consideration. It comes with front and back lights, chain protector, bottle. Addition to that, i bought a thighs and a helmet. Raleigh Pro Elite was my choice. Cost me RM1400 and another RM120 for the thighs and helmet. After assembling the bike, finally get to try it. Cycle the bike home and it really tires me out...... i cant feel my leg after reaching home. Side effect of too long didn't cycle.
My Raleigh Bicycle
For the first week, my thought was too ambiguous. The first thing that cross my mind was Gurun Jerai Hill. I wanted to try my bike on it, the 11km tar road course from bottom to hill peak. Going with the whole family and only me and Brian (younger brother) try to pedal up the hill. And oh damn, i didn't realise it was this hard. Screw it...... not even reaching the 2km mark both of us already like dead corpse on a bike. Totally soulless not to say finish the whole 11km, it will take us 5-6hours to reach with our speed. So we decided to hop onto the car (dad and mum was following us when we pedal up the hill) and rest our legs. Went up and feel the fresh air. Trying to memorize the course and try to look at how other people pedal. Grasping the technique along the way to the top. Preparing for my next trip.
Brian and Fame checking of Bicycle
First Full Assault : 2hours and 50minutes
Second Full Assault : 2hours and 20minutes
Third Full Assault : 2hours and 15minutes
Forth Full Assault : 2hours and 30minutes

Two weeks after the first try, again i wanna conquer Gurun Jerai Hill. This time i am alone and its easier when knowing no one is waiting for you. I could took my own sweet time to cycle. Prepare 100plus drink inside my bottle and ready to pedal. This time i have come prepared, after some training i finally train my up stamina and leg muscle needed. It took me one shot direct non stop to reach the location where i give up. Feeling like its nothing compare to the first try. Slow and steady climbing the hill, turtle speed...... met other cyclist along the road and it was fun to chit chat with them. Most of them are from nearby. A group of Penangites around 20people could be seen, after some brief intro they were also first timer on this Hill.
Other Cyclist along the Road
One hour passed, i cycle pass the 5km mark. I was like wow so fast. And the 2nd hour my speed started to slow down. I only manage 4km on the second hour. And my leg started to feel the pain and tiredness. Reach Muzium Pertanian and two more km to go. Some people start to descend at this point. But i just keep on going and going on a slow pace. For the last two km, i took 50mins to reach the peak. It was like Hell. But was relief that i finally manage to reach the peak. Rest for a while and had a ride around the Gurun Jerai Regency Resort. The view was magnificent up here looking down across the paddy field and sea.
Breathtaking View from the Jerai Hill Regency Resort
After 15mins rest, its time to go downhill. After checking all my brakes, helmet tighten its time to let the bike do its work. Slowly it move and i dont even need to pedal anymore. The bike gradually picks up speed and roll down the road. I need to constantly press and release the break system. It only took me 15mins to reach the bottom. It was really fast and very frightening. Not even relaxing...... need to keep focus every second to avoid sloppy corners.
Types of Chalets to be rented at the Jerai Hill Regency Resort

Its fun enough for my first time, still i will come again and keep improving my time. Next hill i wanna go will be the Penang Bukit Bendera. That will be very tempting for me. Need to train harder before really going there.

Allianz Penang Bridge International Marathon

28th of November, 2011 Monday

Once again, the once a year PBIM (Penang Bridge International Marathon) is being held at Pulau Pinang on 20th of November 2011. This time the main sponsor is from Allianz, New Balance and also DIGI telecommunication. This years' marathon event had 27,500 participants, a record breaking previous years. More and more people is joining, age ranging from even 8years old to as old as you could get. I was amazed i can't even tell the oldest participant's age.

What to prepare before joining the marathon. A pair of good running shoes, a running thighs, sufficient training and also strong mental determination. For those joining the full marathon, could get a belt for inserting power booster when running half way through. What to bring when going, the Number Tag and the Running Tag by event organizer. The Running tag is to record and check your time of every check point. To avoid anyone from cheating.

Official Webpage for PBIM

The marathon consist of different category:
  • Men's Open 42km
  • Men Veteran 42km
  • Women's Open 42km
  • Men 21km
  • Women 21km
  • Men 10km
  • Women 10km
  • Fun Run 10km
Most of the people will join the Fun Run category but what i anticipated was the 42km Full Marathon. This year there are more people who join the Full Marathon. But the one thing was that this year all the running kit was Blue colour for Men and Pink colour for Women. Last year every category have their own colour.
The Start and Finish line for the Marathon
As the event draws close, people started to gather all over Queensbay Mall. Me and my colleagues went there before 10pm.(I didn't join, only to become driver for this day) The Penang Bridge will be closing from 1am to 9am and only Ferry service is available. Walk around meeting people and those who participate went to sleep in the car awaiting their turn to start. I alone was wondering around, camera in hand taking pictures.
From Left : Ee Chee, Chee Chaw, Choong & Amnard joining the 42km Full Marathon
42km Full Marathon starts at 2am. Before the start, there is Dragon Dance, Sport Dancing by performers. And all the participants starts to gather behind the starting line. The road was full of Blue colour. The count down begins, 10,9,8.....3,2,1 and poof the pistol sound. All the participant start to jog slowly going through the starting line. After that went to the car and wake up another two people for 21km Half Marathon runner.
Khairul (Blue) & his Sweet heart Szu Pei (Pink) joining the 21km Half Marathon
3am for Men 21km and 3:15am for Women 21km. This time, the crowd is bigger and doesn't even have the space to fit everyone. It was tiring enough for me as i wanted to quickly get some rest before all my colleagues and friends run pass the finish line. Hehe, giving full support towards them. Its 6am when i woke up. There's a lot of event going on as participants for 10km and Fun Run is occupying the field. I quickly walk to the finishing line to take pictures. Too bad i missed out some of them.
Fun Run participants in Yellow T-Shirts
After finishing, everyone was tired enough. But you could see all their happy faces as they hold on to their medals and showing off, taking pictures with everyone involve. The relief of finishing the run and the satisfaction of completing it. All was shown is their sparkling smile and tiring soul. Haha you could say everyone just wanna quickly get a nice rest. Volunteers was distributing drinks, foods and also Salon Pas pain relief. There was also events happening everywhere. The most eye catching was the water balloon battle from DIGI. Thousands of water balloons thrown at each other. Flying around on the field.
Finishers of Marathon from Different Categories running towards the finishing line
DIGI Water Balloon Event
Soon it was the prize giving ceremony. The first Prize for Full Marathon Rm15,000.00. It was topped up from last year when it was only Rm10,000.00. Most of the prizes goes to Kenyan people, and we also had a different prize category for Malaysian. There was also one Motorcycle and one Proton car to be given out as lucky draw. The fastest runner for 42km Men category was 2 hours and 20 minutes. At an average the Kenyan was running on speed of 16km per hour.
Showing off Medals Ee Chee and Chee Chaw (42km Full Marathon)
From Left : Choong (42km Full Marathon), Goh (10km Marathon), Khairul (21km Half Marathon)
Soon everything has settle and no one of us wins the lucky draw, its time to get packing and went back to Alor Setar for a nice nice rest. Congrats to all the participants that joined and finished the Marathon. And thanks to all those to joined the event, making it another successful PIBM.

Me myself was disappointed as i couldn't join the Marathon this year. I joined last year when everybody called me a freak for entering the 42km Full Marathon. But i ended up completed the race and get the medal. This year when i was standing with those who are preparing to start the race, my heart started to remember the feel standing out at the starting line and getting nervous, wondering will i complete the race. Thanks to someone special, i had the determination and the nerves to complete the whole journey. I will definitely join again someday when the event will be held on the 2nd Penang Bridge. Looking forward to it.

BreakUp Comforting

12 of November, 2011 Saturday

Everybody loves to be in a relationship with their love ones. But what comes after a broken relationship is the most hard to accept. Maybe some people had it easy, but some had it the hard way. It is because you love him/her that you let go, or you just can't get over that someone. We never know. But heart broken sure is a powerful curse for those that deeply in love before. It will never end, it just keep resurface all those memories. Bad or Good, it doesn't even matter. As long as it is a memory you could think of.

All the heartbroken will need someone to comfort them. But i wonder why is all people also the same when try to comfort someone heartbroken. They will say bad words about the one you have loved with all your heart and might. It sure is a good way of comfort. Telling about all the bad and nothing good. People will say anything to make your heart feel better. Some people may take it and feels like the heart has lighten and would forget about the special one. But i just feel more sad and sad about those comforting words.

Today mom and bro ask me still thinking of my Love. Then they start to tell me all sorts of lie. She's not that pretty, she's not the type of girl you like, there is alot more girls better that her, you can simply find anyone better than her...... they can give you Thousand reason to hate your love ones. But i could see that they are just comforting me. Don wan me to think so much and worried about me. When we are together, they just keep pouring those praises. Sometimes i can't even stop them from praising her. Cannot let her hear so much, or else she will become too happy. I appreciate the comfort,Mum and Bro. Thank you.

The thing i hate most when comforting me was telling me she's not worth my attention. I would like to say FUCK you. Who are you to tell me this. If she's not worth it, i will know myself. Never ever say that to anyone. It hurts more than those ugly lies you tell. One shouldn't say one self not worthy. Everyone is equal. I love her at the first place, i love her with everything i have. And also please don't ask how much have been spent on her/him. The value of love cant be calculate through money.

So, when comforting people, just tell her how good and tell about the best thing him/her has give. Its always the best thing to do, to tell the truth. Maybe sometime the truth is ugly, then just tell it. No need to round the bushes and bend the facts. Just appreciate and be happy.

The Special Date 11.11.11

11 of November, 2011 Friday

Oh ya, today is the day many people have been waiting for. 11.11.11, everybody is busy discussing about it. The question why? Theres alot to celebrate according to various people. You could see everyone posting it at FaceBook. Every hour updating the same thing......

First of all, you can only experience 11.11.11 once in a life time unless human science technology could create something to prolong our life or convert money in to time like the movie "In Time" but that would be too far to reach for now. So just embrace the moment 11.11.11 for now. For me, this is not a good reason to celebrate. Just a normal day in a calender. Still no holiday, need to work and earn money...

Secondly, alot of people is getting hitched today. For couples, it is a special day to get together and be together forever. Alot people are registering their marriage on this date. It marks a special and also easy date to remember for those forgetful husband or wife about their anniversary. Some may even go further to wait for 11 hour 11 min 11 seconds to register. Wow, thats like 12 1's for this date. I also feel like it is sweet but isn't it not that special when everyone is doing the same thing on a same date. For me, i would choose a special particular date to be remembered only me and my Love for that special occasion. Congratulation for those who get married and get together forever.
Thirdly, some say it is a date for singles out there. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a digit for singles haha. It really makes me laugh when some one invite me to go out and yell "We Are Singles", i mean my fren ZQ. We are both the same. really make me laugh so hard. Ya when you look at it, it really is a date for singles not that i am so into this date. Just alot people keep asking, those singles maybe you could get a wish come true on this date, for you to become doubles in the near future. Pray hard all the singles out there in the world.
Fourthly, Happy Birthday to all those born on 11 of Nov. Today would be an awesome day for all of you. Ya to my friend "Ding Dong". Wish you a Happy 11.11.11 Birthday. I feel jealous... haha. The whole world is celebrating on your birthday. Hope that the GOD hear your prayers and wishes more than other people. Too many wishes floating around in the air. It really significances a very very special moment for those Birthday babies to celebrate.

In the end, everyone have their own thoughts and reasons to celebrate. Ya wish all the people in this world to stay healthy and peacefully until the next special date that will occur. Cheers everyone be grateful of what we have at the moment.

I miss "You" on this date, hoping everything will be alright for "You"