13th Of July, 2013 Saturday
Venue : Changi Fairy point Bungalow 1
Address : 317 Leuchars Road Singapore 509089
Yeah, its an Overnight Party !!! For colleagues and friends. And this is the first time I held something so huge. 60people attended.... Oh my God.... Crowded. Lucky the chalet is large with enough open field for us to walk around. Even the living room is huge with 3 bed rooms. Compare to the downtown east chalet.... small and expensive.
As usual, people tend to be late. Including myself as again... I have OT issue on Saturday. The timing is just always wrong on big occasions..... Sad. Unlucky.... Duh....ordered food from the same vendor and additional of Liquor for the night. I think brought around 8 liquors.... of different types in a luggage.... which is Super funny.

We started the fire at around 7pm and the whole activity just get going slowly as the group was big and people start to mingle around. The latest to come was office 2 girls as they were held back by their boss. Card games started, and can see a lot of different groups playing different games. Shouting, laughing, and drinking..... its a mess. And those who are lazy just sit on the sofa, wait for BBQ food to be serve. Kings and Queens.... And for me, just walking around doing Public Relation stuff as usual. Our office are too big, and ppl tend to just ignore each other.
And here comes the photo time for the WHOLE group. Thanks to Wei Kang, for bring his camera and tripod. Together with Wide Lens. if not I would think of a possible way to get everyone in one photo. Big crazy group. Liquor sessions started late after the group photo. It was around 11pm and people's face are just getting more reddish.

We got a lot of liquors that night, Beldevere, Black Label, XO, Martell, Gledfiddish, Otot, Jack Daniels..... its a crazy night. All of us had fun until 4am. Then people just started leaving by cabs. Some of us stayed the night. And I was too tired and a bit drunk as the game started, everyone was aiming at me.... getting me drink a lot..... Main Target of the night..... SOme of us stay over at the chalet and back in the morning.